A Letter to My Neurotypical Husband, From Your Autistic Wife

A Letter to My Neurotypical Husband, From Your Autistic Wife


Before you, I knew in my marrow that I would never be suited for a conventional love relationship. How could a woman who exists mostly in her own inner world, so tightly controlled, ever share a life with another person -- until "death do us part," no less? Every attempt I'd ever made at normal had failed miserably. I am too complicated, too particular, too cerebral.

I am much too much of everything. But you don't seem to mind at all.

When we received my autism diagnosis and I was surprised (but also not at all) and afraid it would change things between us, you smiled and said, "We always knew your mind was something special, sweetheart," and I relaxed because I knew you meant it in the best possible way.

Continue reading this letter on TheMighty.com.

Thank you for reassuring me that there's nothing wrong with me. Thank you for loving me with tight squeezes and direct language and morning coffee with one perfect teaspoon of cinnamon. Thank you for parking in the same spot at Target every single time, even though it's not always convenient. Thank you for listening intently to my monologue about dragonflies.

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