I have a quarantine confession - Don’t believe the lies you tell yourself. A few days ago, my dear friend (and photographer) @jensosa called me wanting to create a FaceTime portrait photoshoot. What I initially thought would be a fun creative experiment turned into something that broke down my walls of how I perceived what was perfect. You see, usually when I’m creating a shoot, I have my friends, who are makeup artists, doll me up, instead it was me and my minimal makeup. I usually have plenty of time to shop ahead of time for my wardrobe instead I had 24 hours to shop in my basic closet. My space wasn’t perfect. My wardrobe wasn’t perfectly styled. And to be honest I was nervous that I didn’t have the right “stuff.” I’m between an Enneagram 3 and 4. And my 3 side was on full display. I was ridiculously worried, kept doubting and constantly asked myself “Am I enough?” So for me to just show up as I am, with what I had or what I wore was a huge leap for me. But there was thing that I could always count on and that was that I always created from a place of “trusting the process” so I really leaned into that. Jen has a gift of seeing, and I was open for the possibility of what would come out of this experiment. And the result… speaks for themselves. “I have never felt so beautiful on FaceTime” were the exact words that came out of my mouth. What has being quarantined taught me during this time? What has been made possible? Here are few lessons that I’ve been learning that I would love to share with you. 1. The gifts that you’re given, the tools that you have, the way you do things is truly enough! 2. Overthinking things slows you down. Perfection is overrated. You are ready. 3. Your imperfect self is all that the world WANTS and NEEDS right now. So don’t be ashamed or embarrassed, show up as you are. What about you? What are some things that you’re learning? What are some of your quarantine confessions? P.S. If you’re wanting to experience a FaceTime portrait shoot too, @jensosa is opening up her schedule on Monday. So follow her when she announces and reach out to her! She is pretty amazing.

مصدر : https://www.instagram.com/p/b_pd2hhfqql

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