زفاف - Kat Williams

Kat Williams

This is your permission to take a break. I mean it, a real fucking break. Not an spa day, a movie marathon one rainy Saturday afternoon or a couple of a hours away from your desk... If you need it, TAKE A REAL FUCKING BREAK. 2019 has been a real shitter of a year and when I found out about my dad's cancer I was paralyzed. I couldn't do much else other than sit on the sofa and switch between sobbing, playing a game on my phone and watching episode after episode of Gossip Girl. For about three weeks I couldn't manage much but feeding us and doing the occasional email or Instagram post. And when I finally felt ready to face my to do list properly again I don't really think I'd gained anything meaningful from the time off... other than the simple fact that my heart and my mind just needed it. I personally really struggle with not being busy, but sometimes, we really just need some time off. Friend, if you need a rest then take it. Life can wait. Your to do list can wait. That project will still be there for you when the time is right and you're ready to face the world again. The old cliché goes that its OK not to be OK. Well I say, it's OK to just get up each day a survive if that's all you can manage right now. We got this.

مصدر : https://www.instagram.com/p/b2yq7mhhlph

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