زفاف - UK Wedding Magazine

UK Wedding Magazine

So many reasons to adore @inkthimble - SO. MANY. - and when I saw this on my feed the other day, it went straight to the top of my ‘share immediately or you need to have a word with yourself’ list. Read on for JB’s story of this piece - her words are my daily joy - and daydream a little about what handwriting you could have on your veil, dress, lapel, anything really. And know absolutely that she’d make that dream come true ❣ ・・・ I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of doing this. Embroidering another person’s handwriting; what is so tangible about that for me? I can’t explain it really, but I suppose it involves everything I love about creativity, human beings & tactile memory. The fact an individual wrote something with their own hand, their loops and links or funny long T’s or the way they do their A’s or their little mistakes. The motivation and meaning behind the words, what they were trying to express and how and what words they chose and how they stopped for pause. I’m getting too overwhelmed typing all this at 6.30am and I haven’t even got to the point of what it feels like to embroider this, using a technique I honed for over a year - the feeling like I’d never achieve it and I did. I recreated Ed’s wonderful sprawl two nights ago, and the reaction I got and the experience it gave me was utterly incredible. I’ll write about it very soon. Until then, this is Frida Kahlo - asking her good friend Betram Wolfe in 1936, to pass on a kiss to Diego. I’m in the process of making this a consistent product for Ink & Thimble, so keep your eyes peeled & start thinking about what you’d like to write to the one you fancy most. ❤️

مصدر : https://www.instagram.com/p/bzseyhtb96r

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