زفاف - HowHeAsked


"I was stationed in #Texas for #AirForce pilot training when I got invited to a #wedding in #Dallas with a plus one. Most guys would be thrilled to get a +1, but since I was single and new to Texas, I had very few options for potential dates. I asked a friend of mine from training about it, and he ended up enlisting his wife to play #matchmaker for me. She suggested her best friend from her hometown, Kristin, who'd I'd met briefly once before. We talked for a bit over the phone and she agreed to fly to Dallas. After meeting her at the airport with #flowers and #champagne (how else do you kick off a 36 hour blind date wedding weekend?), we both realized it was #love at first Texas two step...." Read the the heart-warming #homecoming #proposal via the link in our profile! Photo by @meghanmccarthyphoto ❤️ Anyone else meet at a wedding!!?

مصدر : https://www.instagram.com/p/bnrkbivlm4-

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