زفاف - Raise The Roof

Raise The Roof

I hope your Christmas was exciting. I really hope you got everything you wanted and things you didn't expect. I hope you reconnected with old family members and friends and really shared in the birth of Jesus. I did a wedding this past Saturday which was frustrating beyond belief. It was at a church I have photographed several times, but not with this new assistant reverend. He insisted that I stand in one spot the entire time, which was in a tiny doorway behind the alter. (see photo below). No flash, no moving or I'm not allowed in the church. The groom heard him tell me that as well so I turned to the groom and said so they both could hear, "sorry about your photos". When the bride came in, I got some decent shots of her, but nothing I'd ever boast about. She mouthed to me while up there, "why aren't you moving around??" I mouthed back, "He told me I couldn't". Her fiance/husband whispered to her what the reverend said and I could tell she was upset that she paid good money for me, yet I was bound to this location because of rules. While editing them last night and then again this morning,just seeing the reverend's face angered me. He also said that those who "live in sin" are not allowed to partake in the holy communion. He said those who do not go to church every Sunday are not true Catholics and are probably living a sinful life. It's ignorant, rule-driven statements like this which drive people away from faith. Instead of standing my ground to him, I just went along with it knowing that the love the bride & groom have for each other will trump the ego of a single reverend. Later on that night, the party got crazy and as you can see the groom had the time of his life. Surrounded by his friends and family, he was able to look towards the future and not dwell on the past. I hope during these holidays you were able to forgive those who have wronged you in the past and allow your future to be filled with positive energy and faith.

مصدر : http://www.flickr.com/photos/70121902@n00/83152575

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