أحذية Giy البطيخ + كيف يمكنني حملها!

GIY = Glam It Yourself! ♥ My watermelon obsession continues! Send me a GIY photo on Twitter or Instagram if YOU make these! My Twitter: http://twitter.com/heyingridnilsen My Instagram: http://instagram.com/ingridnilsen Missed my last videos? No worries! You can watch them here: My July Faves: http://youtu.be/5o-Sz579i8g School Makeup + Outfit Ideas: http://youtu.be/aI8fpBgm3u4 ________________________ OTHER PLACES TO FIND ME: Follow me on Instagram! http://instagram.com/ingridnilsen Come say hello on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/missglamorazzi This is where I post vlogs and random things: http://youtube.com/TheGridMonster Let's be friends on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/missglamorazzi ________________________ STUFF MENTIONED: GIY Materials -A pair of red sneakers -Green paint (make sure it'll work on a rubbery surface!) -Masking tape -Black permanent fabric marker -A small paint brush Outfit 1 -Top from Madewell (got this forever ago so it's not online anymore) -AE Boy Crop Jeans http://w #GIY #doubledare

مصدر : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wutru2ksv34

هل هذا ملكا لك أو هل تعرف من يبيعها ?

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