Best engagement rings for punching Nazis in the face

Best engagement rings for punching Nazis in the face


You know what we think would make America great again? Make it a time where it's okay for Captain America to punch Hitler in the face. Where we stand up to Facism and hatred and take action. (We've seen Neo-Nazi rhetoric emboldened even in our tiny corner of the internet, and now some of these extremists are getting punched in the gob.)

In this vein, we decided to find the biggest, prettiest bling-y rings for punching Nazis in the face.

Disclaimer: it's actually totally not okay to punch people in the face. Don't do it. But we can wear big rings and cheer on Captain America.

A big diamond

A high-set diamond is durable and ready to take a bite out of crime.

The YUGE-er the better.

A big diamond-shaped ring

Gorgeous and packs a punch!

Classy brass knuckles

Why sacrifice looks when you need a nice knuckle ring?

A big ol' gemstone ring

Keep it zen while you're beating down Fascism with a lovely moonstone ring.

Big, beautiful, AND a bargain!

Rainbow rings

Let's celebrate diversity with a big rainbow ring with a little heft to it.

Because love is love is love is love.

This one will make a major statement when you're looking out for the little guy.

Disclaimer: it's actually totally not okay to punch people in the face. Don't do it. This was a work of satire. Keep things civil and know our comment policy.

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