Carmen Rocha Design and Paperie Wedding Stationery - Polka Dot Bride

Carmen Rocha Design and Paperie Wedding Stationery - Polka Dot Bride


Happy Monday Dotties! Some of the patterned people have escaped for the true warmth of North Queensland this week- so while cocktails are being sipped and blue sky being enjoyed, back at Polka HQ we are strapping ourselves in for a big beautiful week of weddings!

Are you working out what you can compromise on, or find another alternative, in your wedding planning? Some things will be truly important to you, and some you will be able to let go - the trick is working this out together as a couple. Make your wedding day yours - create it to reflect who you are, no matter what. Our Directory is crammed with talented vendors who are eager to help you plan your day. Check out Ms Polka Dot's Directory we're sure you'll find the perfect vendors for your needs. We have Mobile Bars & Drinks Catering, we have Favours & Decor Accessories, we have Styling and Hire and Entertainment - we even have Bridal Gowns and Photobooth Hire! Let our vendors help you create the day that is unique to you.

Check out Ms Polka Dot's Directory for wedding vendors who will love your wedding as much as you!

Are you hunting for a one of a kind couture invitation? Then Carmen Rocha Design and Paperie might just be the business you are looking for. As a designer, Carmen's invitation designs reflect her passion for beautiful design. She takes the time to 'capture the spirit of each client' and creates a superior experience for you with attention to detail and commitment to superior craftsmanship. Your invitation is a taste of the wedding to come - and with Carmen's help you can create the magic you are looking for.

We asked Carmen of Carmen Rocha Design and Paperie five questions in five minutes:

What is your favourite after five drink?

French Martini Cocktail. No drink is more emblematic of female sophistication than a french martini traditionally made from vodka, Chambord and pineapple juice.

Your favourite weekend getaway?

Porepunkah on the Great Alpine Road is a beautiful town to enjoy the fresh mountain air, scenic ranges and breathtaking wineries. It is a gastronome's dream come true with many restaurants, award winning wineries and seasonal local produce.

Favourite restaurant?

Although this isn't a local restaurant, the Monsieur Bleu at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris is my favourite. The music, illumination, waiters, service and food are formidable. You really come here for that true Parisian sport: people watching.

What can we find you eating for breakfast on a Sunday morning?

Traditional crêpes with sugar and lemon and strong a latte.

Your favourite wedding story?

I have had the honour of designing my friend's wedding stationery suite and the reception was held at Sumac along Central Pier Docklands. As the reception was drawing to a close, the guests were asked to step outside along the Pier and were puzzled by this request. Instead of farewelling the guests in the traditional way, the couple were waving to the guests and cruised along the river in a unique Venetian style gondola.

Visit Carmen Rocha Design and Paperie's page to find out more about our Vendor Of The Week. Carmen Rocha Design and Paperie is a member of Ms Polka Dot's Directory.

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