Erdem | Nordstrom Fashion Blog

Erdem | Nordstrom Fashion Blog


The senses are so intricately tied together; sounds conjure memories of our favorite cities, taste stirs images of the best holiday gatherings, and scents sometimes call up the most emotional, meaningful remembrances of all. This seems to be something Canadian-born Erdem Moralioglu is captivated by, because his Monday runway presentation was a full sensory exerpience.

In an attic-like space in Central London, the lightest hint of cedar wafted around the room. It was something you were aware of immediately, but couldn't quite place straight away-possibly because you were distracted by all the Old Hollywood-esque vintage and antic furnishings and gorgeous lighting filling the room. But then when the woody essence settled in and fully presented itself to you, it did so with a full narrative: A wooden chest, lined with velvet, filled with the most precious and beautiful things and tucked way for safe keeping.

Only here, for Fall, Erdem opened it.

The set before the show (above) felt like a theater scene. Fittingly, the program notes weren't notes at all but nostalgic images in a small book with no text.

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Overheard on the way out: "Yes but I always want luxe bohemian. Always."

-Laura Cassidy

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