How To Celebrate Galentine's Day with your Girls

How To Celebrate Galentine's Day with your Girls


So, Galentine's Day might be something that was started as a fun event in a sitcom, but it's a should-be-holiday that women around the world are adopting for real, and we think you should too!

Held every year on February 13th, Galentine's Day is a pre-Valentine's celebration of female friendship, conceived by the inspiring, valiant, and all 'round awesome Lesley Knope of Parks & Recreation.

Okay, so I'm a massive Parks & Rec fan, but I'm also a massive feminist, and I think female friendship is a force to be reckoned with, that's often under-rated and belittled.

And if your friends are anything like mine, you'll know that they are the props, the hype girls, and the sources of inspiration that leave you constantly in awe. And if you're anything like me, you probably want to throw them a party every day of the year!

Photo by Colby Elizabeth Photography via Bridal Musings

We have holidays to celebrate romantic love, and parental love, so why not have a day dedicated to your unending love of the ladies in your life too?

If you're planning a wedding, you'll realise what a resource and aid for friends can be, even if they're not your bridesmaids. Whether it's listening to you vent, lending their advice, or taking your mind off things when you're entirely fed up of talking table plans and flower options.

All the more reason to get your friends together annually, and throw a Galentine's soiree of your own!

Cards by Atiliay on Etsy

While Lesley Knope's inaugural endeavour was a breakfast, your Galentine's Day celebration can be whatever you want it to be, a dinner party, a picnic, a brunch or a slumber party.

All you need is a backdrop to kick back with your closest ladies and toast your friendship.

Let's hear from the lady herself on what it's all about...

So before you leave the gents at home, and head off for a frittata-filled female extravaganza, we've come up with five ideas for making your Galentine's Day celebrations even more fun.

And you don't need to prepare 1000-word personalised essays for each of your guests or create a needlepoint pillow of their faces. Though, you know, you can if you want to.

1. Girl Squad Uniform

Sweater via Ban. Do

Okay, so we know your pals probably won't want to rock up for your favourite brunch spot with matching tees, but gifting your girls with commemorative clothing, or pitching in for some kind of gang accessory is such a fun idea.

We love the thought of pairing up with our pals in matching PJs, grown-up friendship bracelets, or a cosy sweater to wear on movie nights.

2. Plan a Playlist

Photo by Maui Maka Photography via Bridal Musings

We can't think of a gathering that doesn't require some kind of playlist, and Galentine's Day is no different. While you and your girls might prefer to croon with Fleetwood Mac at karaoke, another gang requires a backing track of Beyonce at all times. (My friends are probably half and half.)

Create your own tailored Galentine's soundtrack for you and your pals, if you're stuck, our hen party playlist should have a few bangers to get you started!

3. Favourite Foods

Styling by Glimmer & Threads, Photo by Kylee Yee via B.loved

Every gang of girls has their signature eats they love to dine on together. For some it's cheese plates for others it's afternoon tea, and for another group it's all about tapas or Chinese.

Galentine's Day is all about celebrating and cementing your friendship traditions, so keeping up with your favourite edible rituals, whether it's popcorn or cake pops, is a great way to pay homage to your posse. And a fuss-free way to decide where to congregate for your G-day gathering.

4. Photo Fest

Photo via A Beautiful Mess

If you've watched Parks & Rec (and if you haven't, stop reading this right now and go watch it!) you'll know that Lesley Knope can throw together a thoughtful, personalised, and beautiful scrapbook in no time.

While you and your friends might not be scrapbookers, Galentine's Day is a great chance to dig out some old photos, and reminisce over old times. No, we're not talking about tagging each other on Facebook or sharing 'This Day' memories online, we mean in the flesh, printed out photographs.

There's nothing quite like the real thing.

5. Give Back Girls

Photo via Ban. Do

So it's great to pay tribute to your closest ladies, but I reckon Galentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to extend your love to the wider sisterhood too.

Whether it's with your time or your money, hold a bake sale with your friends, do a whip 'round your Galentine's brunch, try a sponsored run/swim/cycle, or volunteer with your friends at a local charity.

From rape crises centres or women's refuges locally, to international causes like FGM, child marriage, and education services, there are so many ways to give back to women and girls around the world, and we think Galentine's Day is just the time to do it.

Find an empowering cause that means something to you, and rally your girls to help with a Galentine's give back.

Card by Lily & Val on Etsy

Ovaries before Brovaries! Uteruses Before Duderuses! Happy Galentine's Day everybody!

We'd love you to share ideas of your own for G-day in the comments below. Let's join Lesley's campaign to turn it into a national holiday!

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