OPEN THREAD: How can you share in the excitement of wedding planning when your family doesn't approve?

OPEN THREAD: How can you share in the excitement of wedding planning when your family doesn't approve?


Three months ago I proposed to the girl of my dreams. She took to wedding planning like a fish to water. Bridal magazines have overrun both of our apartments. Her mother and sisters are a constant presence. We've gone on dates to visit no less the half-a-dozen vendors. She's having the time of her life, and it fills me with unspeakable joy to see her so happy.

But I'm miserable.

I have known since the day that I came out that my parents would not be attending my wedding. I can remember seeing my father cry three times in my life: once at my brother's birth, once when begging me not to "pursue a path of sin," and once when I told him I was getting married. Neither my mother, nor any of my six siblings will attend my wedding. My aunts and uncles have also declined. I have been forbidden from telling my last living grandparent to "preserve her health."

How can I share in the excitement when my wedding feels like the final nail in the coffin of my relationships with my family?

Oof, we are so sorry this is happening to you. Some folks deal with this situation by just not inviting certain family members, but we know there are other options too. Our readers offered a lot of comfort to a bride who felt like she didn't know how to enjoy wedding planning when she didn't have many friends, and now we'd love to ask y'all this one:

What's your advice for brides and grooms who feel like they can't enjoy their weddings because their families don't approve?

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