We're Sirius: this Azkaban photo booth will bring out the magical criminals in all your guests

We're Sirius: this Azkaban photo booth will bring out the magical criminals in all your guests


Kayleigh's DIY project skills for her stunning and magical Harry Potter-themed wedding were unparalleled, but one of our favorite parts was this Azkaban poster photo booth.

Acquire a few Harry Potter-inspired props, grab some thick poster board, and create a prisoner number sign to hold and you're almost there.

A few supporting props never hurt, either:

Make sure someone does Sirius' signature scream and watch the Aurors come running.

Apparate over to Kayleigh and Dougie's epic Harry Potter wedding that includes a most excellent Honeyduke's table:

Catherine Clark

Catherine Clark is Offbeat Bride's Senior Editor. In her spare time she loiters at her local library, makes art, watches movies en masse, plays video and tabletop games, poorly cooks healthy things, cuddles with her feline fur baby, and blogs at BijouxandBits.com.

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