Summertime Swimming Love Story Shoot - Whimsical Wonderland Weddings

Summertime Swimming Love Story Shoot - Whimsical Wonderland Weddings


I am not ashamed to say that I am a hopeless romantic. A good love story gets me every time, you know right there. Whether it be a weepy film or a great novel, I am hooked by romance.

This gorgeous loved up pair have the sweetest tale that will be sure to make you smile. Combined with these touching images of Chris and Haylee enjoying themselves in the summer and it feels like something straight out of a Hollywood movie. Enjoy.

Thanks so much to Photography by Aizhan for sending over these amazing photographa.

"Last summer is when we met, dancing. The room was dark and the music was loud but there was something undeniable in the air. Being both over 6 feet tall, it was easy to spot one another from across the room. Once we did, it was then CJ parted the sea of people that separated us and headed straight towards me with confidence and determination in his step. When he reached me, he swooped me up as though he'd never let me go. It was the beginning of the most magical journey we'd ever know. It didn't take us long to realize we are meant for eachother in every single way. That true love really does exist and you can find your soul mate, your best friend, and the love of your life in this one person. We were exactly what we had been looking for our entire lives, inside and out, sideways and backwards, we have met our match. Now that we've found it, we cherish it and are committed to never stop working towards it and building it. We are a team, HayCj. And we want to share it with the world and inspire LOVE. Because we were just two strangers who had stopped looking for love and it found us. We found us, and we'll never let it go."


Photographer and Creative Director | Photography by Aizhan

MUA and Hair | Angela Womack

Lace Robe | Fly Nation

Location | Cull Canyon Regional Park

Amazing. Thanks so much for sharing guys xo Lou

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