Free wedding printable: food allergy labels

Free wedding printable: food allergy labels


Chances are if you're offering food at your wedding, you're already thinking about potential allergy and dietary issues. We all either have our own dietary needs and/or know someone who eats vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, or otherwise. Often these guests have a backup plan where they know they'll just have to eat beforehand or pack a snack.

How much of a load off would it be for your special diet guests to see these helpful, free, printable food allergy labels on the table? No need to guess at what's in the recipe or eat that protein bar in their bag instead. We've crafted up these DIY labels that can be easily used with Avery 5302 tent cards.

We have two styles to choose from - a rustic wood background and a colorful watercolor background:

You can download the templates here:

Check out our full archive of menu ideas for loads more menu ideas. And if you're feeling extra crafty, check out our archive of free wedding printables.

Are you having special catering done for guests with special diets? Leave your tips in the comments!

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