Meet Belle Bride Emily getting married in Bordeaux!

Meet Belle Bride Emily getting married in Bordeaux!


It is an exciting day today Trulovers as I have the pleasure of introducing our newest Belle Bride Emily! Just before I hand over the blog to Emily, our two current Belle Brides are busy preparing for their weddings, but do be sure to check back at the start of August as Belle Bride Hollie C, will be sharing her last post on the week of her wedding live from Chamonix!

Let's waste no more time as welcome to Emily: " Hi, my name is Emily and I am so honored to be a Belle Bride! I have perused French Wedding Style in search of inspiration long before my fiancé Jeff and I were engaged, and I am so exited to share our destination wedding planning journey with all of you.

We will be getting married in Bordeaux, France, at Chateau de la Ligne on June 24, 2017. We opted for a longer (in our opinion at least) engagement because a) I'm getting my Ph.D and am quite busy with clinical training and research, and b) we are planning a week long affair and knew we would desire ample planning time! Everyone assumes Jeff and I are high school sweethearts, as we met at the young age of 13 when we attended high school together. Though we always knew of each other's existence (he knew me as "The Italian Girl" and I knew him as "The Art Kid"), we didn't become close friends until shortly after graduating at age 18. We were close friends throughout college, and have been dating ever since I graduated from college. Who are we? We're all about the experience and the feelings. This ties nicely with our chosen careers, him a user interaction/user experience designer with a technology company in San Francisco, and me, a clinical psychologist in training. We adore stimulating, chaotic, lively, laughter filled conversations over leisurely meals with delicious wine and food and great company that run far late into the night. We love to travel and immerse ourselves in diverse cultures, and you will almost always find us adventuring somewhere - whether it be local, national, or international. I'm a bookworm who plays the piano by ear, he's an art aficionado who can frequently be found sketching and dreaming up innovative solutions to problems. We're Italian-Americans, and I lived in Florence, Italy for almost two years. I speak Italian (somewhat fluently), and he tries, and we so want our future children to be bilingual. We frequently dance together in our kitchen to Spanish music (Gypsy Kings are our favorite) while cooking. We're spiritual yogis, having learned to breathe slowly and flow through life's hardships together on yoga mats. Our relationship is the realest, rawest, most genuine love I've ever known (he says, "Ditto!") We've weathered storms I initially wished into oblivion but now wouldn't trade for the world. We endured them by whispering comforting words on dark nights and have come out on the other side so intimately connected. He is a courageous, patient and total sweetheart of a best friend - a true gentleman. We hope to create an adventurous, elegant, relaxed, intimate, romantic wedding, with as much of us incorporated into it as possible. We envision the smiling faces of loved ones, roasting and toasting us and us them. We envision greenery with white flowers, and scattered, empty wine bottles reflecting candlelight.

Follow Emily's wedding board on Pinterest

We foresee late night swims and strolls around the property, laughter and love filing up the nights. We can't wait to plan some adventures too - into Bordeaux, St. Emilion, and beyond. We can't wait to celebrate our love and honor the loved ones in our life who have played such an integral role in shaping us as individuals and as a couple! "

A huge big welcome hug from me to Emily! Emily will be a regular contributor to the blog right up until her wedding day - and you can find all the Belle Brides past and present here.

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