Get the Tissues Out; A Tear-Jerking Wedding Film

Get the Tissues Out; A Tear-Jerking Wedding Film


Get the tissues out, this one is a tear-jerker.

We schedule our posts here in Bridal Musings a few weeks in advance. So when we added Clare and Carrie's wonderful wedding ( which we shared yesterday) to our calendar, we never realised what an important day it would be.

Because not only is it London Pride here today, but as of yesterday, every single couple in America shares the same right to their best day ever.

We don't tend to make a big deal when we feature a same sex wedding. To us, love is love, and every wedding is a chance to swoon over chic decor, gush over a couple in love, and be inspired by creative ideas.

But we must say, it's pretty fitting that on the day this incredible decision was made, we just so happened to be featuring this awesome couple and their love story.

In yesterday's post, we shared the gorgeous photographs by Two Bird Studio from Carrie & Clare's big day, with the flowers, the food and their beautiful wedding dresses.

But today in their wedding film, it goes a little deeper. Two Bird Studio have not just captured the stunning vows and flooring speeches, but also the most touching love letters between this devoted pair.

To say we welled up at this one is a bit of an understatement. This wedding film is a little longer than the ones we normally share, but it's absolutely worth the watch...

Watch Clare & Carrie's Tear-Jerking Wedding Film

[two bird studio: carrie + clare ketchum wedding] from Two Bird Studio on Vimeo.

Are your eyes still dry? Watch it again then! What a beautiful wedding and what a special couple. I especially love that bit at the end about their big announcement - congratulations Carrie & Clare!

And once again, thank you to them, and to Two Bird Studio and Taylor'd Events for sharing this intimate and romantic wedding with us.

Click over to see the full wedding post here.

Love films? Check out our dedicated Wedding Film Gallery.

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