Hot pink asymmetric floral crown DIY by Bo Boutique | BLOVED Blog

Hot pink asymmetric floral crown DIY by Bo Boutique | BLOVED Blog


Spring is definitely the season for the DIY bride, and what better way to get florally creative than with your own hand-made crown! Floral crowns will never get old, no one is ever the same and there is certainly no rule book when it comes to style, size or shape that you create. So go crazy and get crowning (!) around.

Crowns can at first seem daunting as there are various technical skills involved, (and I wouldn't suggest you attempt to DIY a large scale 'feature' crown, which are on a whole other level of technical skill) however, if you keep it simple and stick to a smaller more delicate style, then they really aren't as daunting as they may at first seem.

There are various ways of creating the base of your crown. I always prefer to make my crowns with a branch of fresh stripped willow rather than a synthetic base.

Firstly and very importantly, you must select flowers that will last well out of water and that are appropriate to the size of crown that you want to make. Spring is a great time for crown making as nature is awash with delicate and hardy flowers, which are perfect in size and proportion to smaller crowns, and they aren't too pricey either. Hoorah!

Next, strip the leaves from your willow, and wrap the willow around your head to ensure you get the right fit. Then wire the willow together to form a simple circlet. You can conceal this wire with floral tape or twine

Cut each of the flower stems to roughly one inch in length, and then wire them individually. Once wired, wrap each of the stems in floral tape. This not only covers any sharp wires but also protects the flower itself, ensuring moisture is locked within the stem for as long as possible.

Place each of the flowers in the desired spot on your circlet, and wrap the wired part of the stem around the willow, building them up one by one so that each of the flowers are securely in place. Make sure that the flower heads are facing in the same direction and follow the shape of the circlet.

Don't forget to keep putting the crown on your head to see what it looks like in situ, and also to make sure it is comfortable and not too top heavy. I particularly like asymmetric crowns as they allow you to show off the natural texture of the willow at the same time as the flowers.

Voila! You have a beautiful hand-made, all natural crown!


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