Modern Love And Money: Who Picks Up The Check?

Modern Love And Money: Who Picks Up The Check?


Dear Readers,

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, I thought it would be appropriate to explore the always-tricky world of dating and money. Because, as if dating didn't come with enough uncertainties, today's variety of financial situations can add another layer of concern: Who pays for what? Traditionally, the male has always been expected to pay. But traditions change with the times -- right?

According to a 2013 study from Chapman University on gender norms and dating, presented to the American Sociological Association, certain conventions persist. For instance, over 80 percent of men and nearly 60 percent of women surveyed said that men pay for most expenses -- not only on first dates, but also on subsequent dates. Those are very gender specific stats that more or less reflect the historical status quo.

However, nearly two-thirds of the men also felt that women should contribute. And I agree with that. If women are to be treated as equals, we need to be willing to carry our own weight financially.

At this point you might rightly be asking, where's the romance in all this? So in order to get greater insight into how today's couples keep love and money working hand-in-hand, I did a little personal research by talking with some friends of different ages and genders.

First date financials
There seems to be the greatest consensus on who pays for the first date. If a man asks a woman out, it's expected that he'll pick up the tab. In same-sex couples or if a woman does the asking, the general agreement is that the person who extended the invitation should be responsible for paying for the date. Sounds fair enough.

However, there's also a bit of nuance to consider. For instance, most men aren't offended if a woman offers to contribute on a first date. In fact, that's often considered a positive sign, even if the offer is refused. One fellow went so far as to say that if the woman makes no effort to share the cost, there probably wouldn't be a second date. On the other hand, if a woman offers to pay -- and the offer is accepted -- the woman often considers this to be a negative. Go figure.

There are, of course, subtle ways to pay for a date to avoid any awkwardness. For instance, if you're going to an event, the asking party can pay for the tickets in advance. Or if it's a multi-part date, say dinner and then drinks somewhere else afterward, whoever initiated the date could pick up dinner and the guest could offer to pay for the drinks.

One interesting new twist in today's dating world is the prevalence of dating apps that result in people having more first dates now than even a few years ago. This can get pretty expensive -- and even more confusing!

So what's the take-away here? To me, it comes down to being prepared to pay your share, being considerate of the other person's feelings and being sensitive to each other's budget. Sounds like that could be a good start to a relationship.

Splitting the bill as time goes on
Just as today it's more common for women to be equal or even primary breadwinners, it appears very common for couples to share the costs of dating as a relationship continues. Whether a couple splits the bills or takes turns paying, unless one person's income is significantly greater than the other's, cost-sharing seems generally to be considered the fair thing to do.

Of course, it doesn't always have to be 50-50. One person can always offer to pick up the tip, buy an extra round, or spring for a movie. The important point is that neither party feels like they're always responsible or that they're being taken advantage of.

Ideally, as a relationship grows, you'll talk to your partner about the best way to handle dating costs that would be comfortable for both of you. After a few dates, take the initiative and bring up the topic. Showing that you're sensitive to and aware of monetary concerns would not only be appreciated at the time, but also could be interpreted as a sign of future financial responsibility.

Keeping finance from ruining your romance
To me, the romantic side of dating is about finding a partner whose personality and interests jibe with your own. But the financial side is also important. After all, attitudes about money can be a window to much more. Starting out with a mutual awareness and concern for each other's finances -- and a willingness to talk freely about money issues -- can lay a foundation for ongoing openness as you begin to share your life.

Looking for answers to your retirement questions? Check out Carrie's new book, "The Charles Schwab Guide to Finances After Fifty: Answers to Your Most Important Money Questions."

This article originally appeared on You can e-mail Carrie at [email protected], or click here for additional Ask Carrie columns. This column is no substitute for an individualized recommendation, tax, legal or personalized investment advice. Where specific advice is necessary or appropriate, consult with a qualified tax advisor, CPA, financial planner or investment manager.


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