How to tell your family that your wedding will be adults-only

How to tell your family that your wedding will be adults-only


I want to send an email to our family members letting them know that the wedding will be adults only. It's important to me that they hear it directly from us; if it travels through the grapevine, we are both almost positive that it will come out so horribly twisted. While I still can't control the way anybody interprets the message, doing it this way at least allows us to control the words that they see/hear.

My future husband Joe's family is tight-knit, and I think most of them rely on each other for babysitting services, so I don't want them to be completely surprised when they start getting things in the mail that say "adults only." While they obviously won't be able to make arrangements so far ahead of time, it'll get them thinking about finding alternative childcare arrangements that don't involve a family member.

This was really difficult to write, so I'm glad I'm giving myself plenty of time before I send it, but here's what I've come up with...

Hi happy family,

I hope this email finds you well! Now that we are officially about a year and a half away, I wanted to let you know about an important wedding decision that Joe and I have made.

After looking at all our possible options and having many difficult discussions with both moms and each other, we've decided that our wedding will be an adults-only event. We're working hard to make sure that this is a fun night, and we want you to be able to enjoy yourself without worrying about what your little ones are getting into.

Please know that this was not an easy decision for us to make. We understand that the nature of a family event means that many of your go-to sitters will be unavailable. While it's obviously too early for you to make other arrangements now, we wanted to give you plenty of advanced notice so that you wouldn't be surprised or caught off-guard when you start getting things from us in the mail.

More information will be forthcoming, but we really wanted to make sure you had plenty of notice about this issue.

I know this makes things a little more difficult, but we do hope that you'll still be able to join us.

Love you all and see you soon,

Heather and Joe

How are you dropping the "no kids allowed" bomb? Any copy-and-paste wording you'd recommend?

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