Early Birds: Get Yourself a Good Morning Ritual

Early Birds: Get Yourself a Good Morning Ritual


So, when I told my Beau what I was gonna be writing about for today's post he quite literally laughed in my face. No really, an uncontrollable, uncontainable blatant explosion of laughter. Right in my face.

...To be fair to him, he laughed with good reason!

Anyone who knows me, knows I am no morning person. Never have been either! Totally nocturnal and I just adore a lie in.... I can SO see all my family and friends nodding disapprovingly in my head right now, all like:

'She's totally not lying right now, how the hell is she gonna pull off this post?!'

Whelp, because when all's said and done, I'd actually really love to be an early bird, who wouldn't, right? Naturally awake, fresh, rejuvenated and calm every morning... Sounds like bliss!

So, as part of my New Year's Resolutions, I have been seriously, like SERIOUSLY, researching how to give everyday a badass kick start.

Thought I'd share my findings and invite you to join me on this little endeavour to make the most of everyday - with all its incredible wedding planning opportunities - and be the Early Bird.

Why though? Why should we be trying to instil a morning ritual into our day? Simple:

Your day begins with the focus on you

Before emails, before kids, before the outside world, the news, it reminds you that you've gotta take care of yourself in order to be effective at helping those around you. Those who consistently practice their morning ritual notice an increase in self-esteem and they find themselves setting stronger boundaries, as they're reminded of the necessity for self-care every day.

Your daily Reset button

No matter the trials of the previous day, hell, even the previous few days, the morning routine becomes a mindless activity; a ritual, a meditation. You'll find yourself looking forward to that 30 minutes of 'me' time in the morning; that time to let go of all the stresses and just do your routine. When you get up every morning and consistently endeavour to improve yourself; you gain confidence, reduce stress and learn persistence.

First things first, you need to swap that wake up coffee for a mug of warm lemon water.

And when I say 'you', I totally mean me!

*Hangs head in shame as she sips on her iced Americano*

Add a little honey and ginger if you fancy and sip on two cups to stimulate and warm up your digestive system for the day!

That's right, whether it's this amazing 3 minute routine that you can do in bed....

Wait what?! Yes, IN BED! Perfect for the dark, chilly winter mornings!

...Or 6 rounds of the Sun Salutation post shower (Yup, post shower while you're still warm is Yogi prime time!)

Yoga is a soothing, yet energising way to ease your yourself into the day; caring for your mind, body and soul.

Great place to start.

Say at least one positive affirmation.

Get it prettied up in a gorgeous handwritten font in a reclaimed wood frame and hang in by your bed, set it as a daily alarm that pops up on your phone or if you're proper bad ass, scrawl it across your mirror in red lipstick... Just put it somewhere you're gonna see it every morning!

As the gorgeous Miann Scanlan over at the Free People Blog puts it:

'I believe so passionately in the power of the mind, and harnessing this power in a positive way through affirmations can be truly life changing. Affirmations gain their power from repetition, so the more you say them the more they will impact and begin to shape your reality... The trick with affirmations is to allow yourself a few moments to be truly present and let go of any distractions. As you read over the words, feel the emotions they portray, and allow the inspiration to wash over your body. This will help you not only relax, but also open your heart to believing that these statements are wholesome and true.'

We're SO up for this. Here are a few that Miann suggests to get y'all started:

It's no secret that we are HUGE fans of dry brushing.

An Ayurvedic practice, dry brushing helps improve your circulation and remove dead skin cells, but it also stimulates the lymphatic system, wakes up the nervous system and just feels all kinds of awesome!

The essentials y'all need to know?

Brush towards your heart.

Start at your extremities and work your way in.

Hop in the shower and be sure to apply moisturiser afterward to retain that suppleness.

Fresh air. Can you think of anything more stimulating, more refreshing?

...Me neither. So, if you've got time, head out for a little walk, no matter how long, and focus on your breathing, inhaling that clean air deep into your lungs; it's sure to kick any sluggishness out of your morning.

No time for a walk? Then just open the back door while you stand and sip mindfully on that cup of warm lemon water; feel refreshed!

Set that alarm a little earlier and set it for 7 days a week.


This is the toughest one for me, for sure, but here's why you totally should (And when I say 'you', you know I mean 'me'!):

  • Waking up at the same time daily lets your body sink into it's natural rhythm.
  • It allows you a slower pace as you get ready
  • It allows you to fully embrace the start of each day... Weekend or not!

Being a night owl, I've lost count of the mornings that I've begun in a slightly grouchy, 'wrong-side-of-bed' kind of mood.

Not cool.

Being thankful, being mindful is the only way our days should begin.

Whether you write a single sentence in a journal, or fill your thoughts while you work through your Sun Salutations, take time to consider what you're grateful for.

Starting your day with gratitude sets the tone for abundance, and you'll be attuned to those good vibes for the rest of your day.

So, as I post my findings in the early afternoon (No, that irony isn't lost on me) I hope you find yourself inclined to join me on this new endeavour!

Being an Early Bird can only be a good thing for a bride-to-be, and here at Festival Brides we think it's key to take time for yourself in the midst of this crazy, wonderful whirlwind planning journey that you're on.

That said, it's totally a cat's life, right?!

Peace + Love

Clare X

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