The Most Common Winter Skin Problems, Solved!

The Most Common Winter Skin Problems, Solved!


Peppermint mochas and cozy sweaters are an everlasting symbol of winter weather. And while we love to embrace the oversized scarves and warm drinks that come with the cold, there's one aspect that we're just not too keen on - dry, irritated skin.

No fair - we want soft skin all year long! Luckily, there's a cure to your seasonal skin issues and Team MDC has the remedies thanks to NYC-based dermatologist, Dr. Bruce Katz.

1. Dry Skin.
Biggest problem ever."Typically what happens in the winter is that peoples' skin can get dry and flaky because humidity levels go down and the lack of moisture in the air causes irritation," says Dr. Katz.

According to Dr. Katz, a great way to prevent this is by taking lukewarm showers (instead of hot!) and using a creamy body wash rather than soap. Try The Body Shop Cocoa Butter Creamy Body Wash. "After washing, pat yourself dry with a soft towel and apply lotion right away. This way you're adding moisture to your skin instead of just lubricating it," he says.

2. Rough, Bumpy Skin. You already know how much we LOVE knits and while you don't have to stop wearing them, you do have to protect your skin from the material in order to prevent unwanted bumps. "Try not to wear wool clothes directly against your skin," says Dr. Katz "Wear a cotton or silk shirt underneath to prevent irritation." MDC Quick Tip: Keeping a humidifier in the house will help keep your skin hydrated and smooth and prevent it from feeling rough!

3. Flare Ups. For those who deal with rosacea, psoriasis or eczema, it's not uncommon for it to get worse in the winter. If the irritation is mild, Dr. Katz recommends an over-the-counter hydrocortisone, but if it persists throughout the day, it's wise to schedule an appointment with your derm.

4. Cracked Fingers and Toes. "Fingers and hands are affected by the cold weather too and can get dry and cracked. Soak them in a bowl of warm water for 10 minutes before bedtime and cover them in moisturizing cream or Vaseline, if you don't mind the consistency, to keep them soft. Same goes for your feet!" says Dr. Katz. We love Kiehl's Intensive Treatment and Moisture for Dry or Callused Areas.

5. Sun Damage. Yes, even in the wintertime!Flushed cheeks are one thing, but sunburn - no thanks. "It's equally important to wear sunscreen in the winter to prevent skin damage and redness because sunlight reflects off of the snow and can intensify your exposure," says Dr. Katz. Wear a cream-based SPF like L'Oréal Paris Youth Code Dark Spot SPF 30 Day Cream and reapply every three to four hours if you're outdoors enjoying winter sports!

What are some of your winter skin fixes? Let us know in the comments below!

Photo: thinkstock

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