Modern Calligraphy Wedding Invitations

Modern Calligraphy Wedding Invitations


Calligraphy has a lot of very old-fashioned connotations. One couldn't help but think of Jane Austen and fussy grandmothers when seeing this distinctive script. But calligraphy, with the help of a few new style details, has definitely come into its own in the 21st century. It's a little fresher, a little hipper, but still just as elegant and sweet.

Hand-lettered calligraphy is definitely an art form, and as such, can be expensive. But you have plenty of options if you want invites with that pretty cursive script that doesn't necessarily involve one person toiling over each and every invite.

Many invitation companies are using calligraphy-inspired font in their designs and to make it more modern, are incorporating trendy elements. Below, this invite uses metallics and an abundance of negative space to create a thoroughly modern statement.

Prefer your modern with a side of romance? This invite above features calligraphy-style names and them a simple font for the rest. Notice the adorable pink chevron envelope liner to give it the lightest of feminine touches.

Below, this illustrate invitation also used calligraphy just for the couple's names, and then uses a complementary dotted design on the envelope liner.

The latest modern calligraphy trend is blending the very nostalgic script with modern block handwriting. This invitation below is just black and white, but has plenty of visual appeal to spare because of the use of different fonts to create a distinctively contemporary mood.

Similarly, this woodsy design (below) combines simple illustrations with impactful block text. It's a very modern take on rustic.

Nowhere is calligraphy script quite so adorable as on a bridesmaid ask. This one is one of my very favorites, because when is gold and confetti not celebratory? This is a party in an envelope.

But it could be that you prize the budget line item for paper goods above all else (I see you, my fellow stationery nerds). In that case, it's time to go big. I'm relatively sure that "stunning" doesn't even begin to cover how amazing these black, hand-lettered calligraphy invites (below) actually are. Even if you lived a million miles away, you would have to check yes on the RSVP card when you receive an invitation like this one.

While I'm not sure this is entirely true, I am crediting Wes Andersen movies with the surge of boho illustrations I'm seeing lately on wedding invitations. Like something straight out of "The Darjeeling Limited", these unique calligraphy invites are inspired, blending modern and vintage with aplomb.

If your budget doesn't allow for all of your invites to be hand-lettered, we understand. Instead, hire local calligraphers to design your wedding signage like this drink menu below.

Or, just hire them for the envelopes. Especially with mismatched vintage stamps, this little touch will impress all of your guests!

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