How To Wrap Your Own Bouquet

How To Wrap Your Own Bouquet


Simplicity is beautiful, which is why we love this baby's breath bouquet from Cedarwood and captured by Krista Lee Photography. You can pair this sweet little nosegay with just about any color and it will always be stunning. Interested in making these for you and/or your bridesmaids? We thought so! You will need a few supplies first - floral wire, floral tape, hot glue gun, ribbon, and floral pins.

Step one: Starting from the base of your bouquet wrap floral wire in a spiral around the stems. Wrap floral tape tightly over the stems and wire.

Step two: Hot glue the end of your ribbon 1″ from the bottom of the stems. For ribbon tails, glue additional pieces of ribbon onto stems before wrapping.

Step three: Pull the ribbon around the bottom of the stems and wrap carefully and tightly up the stems. Use hot glue and floral pins to secure the end.

Photographer: Krista Lee Photography

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