Seth Rogen Perfectly Describes What's Wrong With Marriages In Movies

Seth Rogen Perfectly Describes What's Wrong With Marriages In Movies



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Seth Rogen admits that in early drafts of the script for "Neighbors", Rose Byrne's character was basically just another humorless, nagging wife. That's when Rogen's real-life wife, actress and writer Lauren Miller, pointed out how unrealistic that was. What if the married couple in "Neighbors" -- who get into a prank war with a next-door fraternity -- were actually like them?

"My wife read the script," Rogen told Studio 360's Kurt Andersen. "She's a writer. She's one of the people who was like 'this isn't how it would be. We get along I want to have fun too...'

"And then as we started talking about it, that actually became the most exciting idea of the movie to us," Rogen continued. "That we could portray a couple where the wife is just as fun-loving and irresponsible as the guy, and they get along really well. In a comedy, that's almost non-existent. An actual healthy couple that really likes each other."

Rogen also gave some insight into just how happy his marriage with Miller seems to be.

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"Again, in movies they like to portray marriage like 'oh the wife and husband are always arguing and bickering,'" he said. "For me and my wife...the easiest part of my life is my marriage. Like if everything was as smooth and easy and fun as my relationship with my wife then I would have a much easier time getting through the day. We really get along and we like the same stuff."

You can listen to the full exchange below, starting at 2:10.

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