Knitted Fish Hat

Knitted Fish Hat


I hope you remember a Shark Attack Hat, which was the craze of the winter season for Anoushka, my little daughter. Once I put it on her head, she didn't want to leave home without her shark-friend. She got used to her fleece hat but, unfortunately, now it's a bit too warm to wear it.

So I updated my knitting patterns journal with Knitted Fish Hat by a Dutch knitter Thelma Egberts, who has a thing for weird and funny hats. Her philosophy is to use leftover yarn and yarn from stash. After spring clear-up I've also found some unused scraps. I'm planning to knit this hat to have a lighter spring version of my daughter's favourite winter hat.

Do you like these animal-like hats? In my opinion they are adorable. So give it a try and knit the hat for your kids too. Share the photos of the fishy hats on our fan page.

For pattern notes of Knitted Fish Hat click here

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