Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!


We will open the book.
It’s pages are blank.
We are going to put words on them ourselves.
The book is called…….


and it’s first chapter is


Image Credit: Ingredients Inc

Happy New Year lovely people! We hope you all had a brilliant night celebrating 2013 and saying a massive HELLO to 2014!

What a year it has been for Festival Brides. I got married and had what was definitely the best day of my life so far; we launched our venue and land hire page; we organised an epic wedding at Latitude Festival; we won our first wedding industry award; our team of two became 3 when the lovely Clare joined us and Kelly gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl. 2013 really has been a big year for Festival Brides so thank you so much to everyone who has supported us and continued to visit our pretty pages every day. You all rock.

I hope you too have taken the time today to reflect on everything you have achieved in 2013, no matter how big or small. It’s really easy at this time of year to look back at the negative things and use the New Year as an opportunity to put things right BUT what about all the good things? I’m sure when you really think about it there’s a long list of achievements you should be very proud of so how about focusing on those today people. I know that’s what I’m going to do!

As well as focusing on my achievements of the past, I am also taking the time today to look into the future and have put together a list of all the things I would personally love to achieve for 2014. From learning a new skill to spending more time with my friends – here is my list of 2014 New Year Resolutions:

1. A bad habit I’m going to break:

Worrying - A very wise lady gave me some really good advice a while ago and today I’m going to put that advice back into practice. She told me to set myself a target of 5 minutes ‘worrying time’ each day. The time had to be in the evening and it was the only time in the day that I was allowed to worry. If something came up that made me anxious throughout the day I had to put it out of my mind until my allocated slot. What was amazing about this exercise is that not only did I become more in control of my thoughts but when it came to my ‘worrying time,’ a lot of the things that I could have stressed about never came to light.

Worrying is something I have been doing a lot of recently. I have wasted so much energy antagonising over things that may never even happen so for 2014 I’m going to try and stop. I am going to set myself 5 minutes of worrying time each day and I’m going to stick to it!

2. A new skill I’d like to learn:

Photography - It is something I am hugely passionate about and love doing but I lack the skills to make the most of the scenery or people I am trying to capture. This year I am going to book myself onto a photography course and finally get to grips with the brilliant SLR camera Bob brought me a few years ago.

3. A good deed I’m going to do:

Make more time for my friends and family  – It’s been a great year for Festival Brides but it has also been a very busy one and my personal life has suffered. This year I am going to spend less time stuck behind this laptop and more time being there for my friends and family.

4. A place I’d like to visit:

Morocco – A place that has always fascinated me with its amazing culture, food and textiles. It’s been on the bucket list for a while and this year I would love to tick it off!

5. A book I’d like to read:

The Catcher In The Rye - I brought it while I was travelling but gave it away before I had a chance to read it so this year it’s on top of my reading list.

6. A letter I’m going to write:

We live in a digital world where hand written letters are becoming something of the past and the only mail we tend to receive are bills or bank statements. Postman Pat doesn’t even deliver letters anymore – he delivers parcels! Inspired by To the Letter: A Journey Through a Vanishing World by Simon Garfield, I am going to make more time to write personal letters to friends and family starting with my cousin in Australia.

7. A new food I’d like to make:

Sushi – Love to eat it but have no idea how to make it!

8. I’m going to be better at:

Time management – I have spent the majority of 2013 chasing my tale when it comes to work so this year I am going to make a positive change to become more organised. I am going to plan my posts so they are ready at least a week in advance (rather than minutes!) and I am going to schedule my working day so I have set hours for the blog and more personal time. This is not going to be easy as I still work full time and will be until May but I can certainly put things in place so my working day is more organised and is no longer impacting on my personal life.

So what did you achieve in 2013 that has made you feel proud? Do you like me have a list of all the things you would like to achieve for 2014? Is planning your wedding number 1!?

For all the brides and grooms to be that are getting married this year, 2014 is going to be an amazing and memorable year for you and we will be here every step of the way with even more wedding inspiration, advice and supplier details to help you plan your epic wedding day! Bring it on peeps!

Big Massive New Year Love to you all.

Festival Brides xxx

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