Flat Bridal Shoes – What Are The Advantages?

Flat Bridal Shoes – What Are The Advantages?


Reno Wedding Shoe in Topaz by Benjamin Adams

Choosing the right shoes for your wedding day is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Many brides automatically gravitate toward high heels for their bridal shoes, but flats can be just as chic and beautiful. There are some advantages to choosing flat wedding shoes over heels.

Easy Walking

No bride wants to trip on her big day. A woman who isn’t used to walking in high heels may have trouble walking down the aisle and risk tripping over her shoes or dress. High heels can be a big problem with outdoor weddings, where the narrow heels can become caught in grass, sand, or rocks. Flat wedding shoes solve these problems by providing balance and allow for easy, confident walking.


A bride is usually on her feet for a long time between preparing for the wedding, the actual ceremony, and then the reception. High heels can pinch the feet or cause legs to ache after standing in them for a while. Flat shoes are often much more comfortable than heels for being on your feet for long periods. If you choose to wear heels you may want to add a shoe cushion to help alleviate any stress on your feet.

Longer Dancing

Many weddings are all about having fun at the reception these days, and that includes getting on the dance floor. If you plan to do a lot of dancing at the reception, flat shoes will allow for better movement. Brides often kick their high heels off so they can dance without foot pain, but this can mean torn pantyhose or dirty or sticky feet if things get spilled on the floor. Why not avoid these issues entirely by choosing flat wedding shoes in the first place? You can dance all night long in your shoes without worrying about what you might be stepping in.

Less Stress on the Body

Although women have been traditionally taught that high heels create sexy muscle definition in the legs, the truth is that heels are torture on the body. They force the feet and legs into unnatural positions for long periods, which can cause stress on the knees and back. High heels can also lead to corns on the feet and awkward posture. If you are wearing heels it’s a good idea to add foot petals or soft spot shoe cushions to make your shoes more comfortable.

Flat shoes are very much in style these days, which means that a bride searching for the perfect wedding shoe has many options to choose from. Flat shoes can be just as beautiful as pumps and come in a wide variety of colors and styles. Look for wedding shoes in styles such as ballet slippers or sandals. Whatever style of flat shoe you choose, your feet will be grateful on your wedding day and let you do as much walking and dancing as necessary.

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