Careful Color Considerations For Mother Of The Bride Dresses

Careful Color Considerations For Mother Of The Bride Dresses

One of the most critical decisions when finding the perfect mother of the bride dresses is the color. There is a lot of talk about traditional dress choices and how they are acceptable in most modern settings and this is all really confusing. Torn between whether to follow the old or new, how then should you decide on the best color for your dress to your daughter's wedding?

Talk to the bride

Some brides are very selective when it comes to the wedding. Some colors are a definite no-no, some are a maybe and some get the okay. Depending on the feedback you get about her preferences on her wedding day, you can narrow down your color choices. Some will frown upon this but it is safe and you can never go wrong with a safe choice.

Combine colors

If you cannot completely detach from the debate and pick a side, then combine both and get comfortable staying in the middle. For instance, those inclined to the traditional way of doing things will say that black and white should be avoided at all costs. Those for the modern setting will support dressing in it. When finding the perfect mother of the bride dresses, just look for an acceptable traditional color like purple and pair it with a modern color like white. Of course, in such a case, one of the colors will have to take dominance, but the pairing breaks the monotony and is very stylish.

Choose a color that works well for you

Unfortunately, you either look elegant in something or you don't. Some colors just don't work for you, perhaps due to skin tone or as a matter of preference. Either way, when finding the perfect mother of the bride dresses, you should choose a color that works with and for you.

Consider the color scheme

When it comes to the color scheme, most will say that you should avoid sharing a color scheme with the bridal party or the bride. The same people will go on to say you shouldn't go totally off the reservation when making your color choice, which is absolutely controversial. In my opinion, as long as you do not copy the design aspects of the outfits, then you are free to take away some ideas from their color scheme.


The design of the dress will, of course, have a huge part to play when it comes to bringing out your color choice in a way that is elegant and fashionable but subtle so you don't steal the bride's moment. Therefore, much as you choose the color, pay attention to the style and design aspects of the dress as well.

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