زفاف - Laura Hooper

Laura Hooper

Attention NYC! Our last NYC workshop of the year is coming up next Sunday...and we won't be back until May 2020! If you'd like to get hands-on instruction with our top-quality tools curated to work well for beginners, head to Lhcalligraphy.com/workshops {linked via my profile} ASAP to get yourself signed up for NYC next weekend or our Alexandria class in a few weeks. We've developed an easy-to-follow curriculum with specific, targeted instruction on how to get these tools to work followed by working our way through a full beginner alphabet. Our workshops also cover your next steps and our recommendations for going forward with your practice and development in the art. - These are our last two workshops of the year, so don't miss 'em. We'd love to get you set up for success with this beautiful art form. We're wrapping up our SIXTH year of teaching and we can't wait to share all our knowledge and expertise with you.

مصدر : https://www.instagram.com/p/b4s-hatpvi_

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