زفاف - Kat Williams

Kat Williams

Hi, my name is Kat Williams and I'm here to serve you with some Monday morningtough love and motivation: YOU and you alone, are responsible for your life, your feelings and your emotions. Shit happens. People disappoint you. Life isn't fair. But you can either sit on Instagram and bitch and moan about it or you can take that energy and put it into creating something GOOD. Not getting where you want in your business? Don't feel like you're getting the recognition you deserve? Not in a relationship that fills your heart with love? Feel like people keep taking advantage? Wonder what the hell you did to deserve all this shit? STOP. MAKE A CHANGE. DO IT FOR YOURSELF. I'm sick and tired of negative Nancy's blaming the world for their problems. You are a powerful, magical being. You have the same opportunities as everyone else. But you have to go out and make shit happen FOR YOURSELF. Stop complaining. Start taking action. Let's fucking smash this week, 'k? And that's the end of my Ted Talk. Art by @subliming.jpg

مصدر : https://www.instagram.com/p/bz7e0lcn0kp

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