زفاف - Revelry Event Designers

Revelry Event Designers

A modern touch was added with a combination of our coffee tables. The Beverly Hills Wood Coffee Table had a glass top and spheres underneath for an interesting detail, while the Beverly Hills Wood Coffee table was outlined with golden details to match the party’s design. The Balenciaga Coffee Table in white was paired with the Palermo Club and had a geometric shape that contrasted to the chair’s traditional style. || #VCPoloClassic for @veuveclicquot || Planner: @brownhotevents | Rentals, Design and Decor: @revelryeventdesign @revelrymatias | Florist: @theemptyvase | Photo: @clairebarrettphoto | Prop: @greenset_inc | Venue: Will Rogers State Historic Park

مصدر : https://www.instagram.com/p/bqd6naeank2

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