زفاف - HowHeAsked


"I studied abroad in Paris my sophomore year in college. I was absolutely in love with everything there and I've since become obsessed with all things Paris. I even tell Brent (a lot) that I want to get married in front of the Eiffel Tower! So one weekend he suggested we get dressed up and go somewhere nice. He picked me up in his army uniform, and when we got in the car he blindfolded me and said I wasn't allowed to see where we were going. We parked and he held my hands as we walked through what felt like grass, still blindfolded. Then, when he told me I could take it off, I looked up and realized he had built the Love Lock Bridge and Eiffel Tower in his backyard for me...." More of this story on HowHeAsked.com right now ❌⭕️

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