زفاف - HowHeAsked


Weddbook ♥ "On our very first date, a high school student asked if she could take a picture of us because she was doing a project on interracial couples. We had literally just met that day and both of us thought it was funny to be taking a picture as a couple already. Fast forward to more and more and more dating and finally, the proposal… Erick set up it all up that a photographer would approach us while we were on a date one evening. Sure enough, on a stroll by the bay, a girl came up to us and said she was doing a project on interracial couples, then asked if she could take some pictures of us. I was so excited and obviously had to share the crazy significance and coincidence with her. She laughed, but carried on as I remained surprised.... Next thing I know, Erick was down on one knee and surprising me all over again." Link in profile! ❤ Photo by @flytographer

مصدر : https://www.instagram.com/p/botncs1gvc9

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