تصميم فن الأظافر الخريف دروس طريق الزهور الجافة

My Spanish Channel Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/LOVE4NAILSenEspanol Hi Guys!!!! Happy Friday ~ Before talking about this weeks video I wanted to thank you for the comments you guys leave on my videos. I do appreciate every single one of them. I feel so bad that I can't answer all your questions. I fall behind on answering your questions because of my busy schedule. It makes me sad that you would think I don't answer comments just because I don't want to. I really wish I could stay home & answer your messages & comments, all of them. Don't ever think I don't truly appreciate the time you take to leave them, I do. Thank You So Much... I don't always have time to answer every single one of them. But I do answer as many as I can. Again Thank you so much for sticking around with me year after year leaving your comments. I love & am super grateful for each of you, Thank you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This week I wanted to use dry flowers for my nail art, I find

مصدر : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayxurqkgjjw

هل هذا ملكا لك أو هل تعرف من يبيعها ?

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