You may need safety goggles to take in the awesomeness of these science-themed wedding invitations

You may need safety goggles to take in the awesomeness of these science-themed wedding invitations


Stop everything you're doing right now and take a look at this wedding invitation design. It's the Tesla wedding invitations, and the designs are based on Nikola Tesla's original patents, and a font created from his own handwriting! Now stop and think of when the last time you got something this scientifically bad-ass in your mail? Let alone, something that bad-ass that's inviting you to a party!? But that's what our sponsor Amanda, at Athena and Aphrodite, does - she makes wedding invitations with scientific and engineering themes!

Apparently, this magic is what happens when an artists get two degrees from MIT, and grew up with an engineer/artist dad.

All the designs come from things like Galileo's sketches, polarized photos of sugar crystals, spherical harmonic equations, etc., and they're GORGEOUS. Plus, when you click on any of these designs, you get a really cool mini science lesson. Go ahead, give it at try...



The Concentric wedding invitation suite features geometric drawings done in the 17th century with a mechanical drawing machine (a primitive Spirograph!).


Cross Section


Neural Chemical




The beautiful designs in this suite were reproduced from bubble chamber photographs. Apparently, charged particles moving through the chamber leave tiny trails of bubbles that can be photographed. And I wouldn't have known that if I hadn't gone to check out the closer details of these babies.

Who knew science was so romantic!? But, better than romantic, is discounted ...


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Oh, but there are so many more gorgeous designs inspired by deep and awesome science. You need to do yourself a favor and check out the rest of these science-themed wedding invitations (like Oology and Palynology - not sure what those are? Find out in the prettiest way possible!). Then do your guests a favor and send some gorgeous science to their mailboxes!

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