This funny RSVP card has an answer for every smart-ass on your guest list

This funny RSVP card has an answer for every smart-ass on your guest list


I've seen tons of variations on this funny RSVP card around the web, so we thought we'd try out our own version as a free downloadable printable. Whether your guests will be happily accepting or tongue-in-check happily declining... there's an answer for every smart-ass on your guest list. Who knows - maybe it'll inspire the slackers to actually send their card in before you start the RSVP hounding process.

We've got two versions, a pastel colored one and a black and white one. Just download the PDFs below, add in a line for your RSVP date in your preferred image-editing software (or just include that elsewhere), and print!

Download the funny RSVP cards:

The card is a standard American postcard size (5.59 x 4.34 inches). It can be printed on your own printer, but going the internet route (like via VistaPrint or similar) is easy and affordable.

More free wedding printables await you if you're game to try them out!

Will you be using this funny RSVP card in your invitation set?

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