Grooming for grooms

Grooming for grooms


Want to look your best for your wedding, but keep hearing about Bridal packages at salons, and nothing for the groom? Look no further, because we have the checklist you've been searching for!

Simply put, while brides start cleansing-toning-moisturizing months before the wedding, certain regimens should be followed by the groom as well, to look your best dapper self on your wedding day. After all, you'll also be the main subject of your wedding album, and no one likes a zoomed in pimple in your candid pic!

So we bring you a list of simple grooming tips to be followed by the groom to ensure you're as radiant as your pretty bride on the D-Day.

Good skin starts with what you eat

Junk food, colas, fried fatty and full of masala dinners, all these impact your skin more than you'd realize. Eat a balanced diet for clean skin and lustrous hair. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day, and watch the impact on your skin within days! Follow this up with a simple cleanser and follow the C-T-M (Cleansing-toning-moisturizing) regime like your bible. If your skin is difficult, and often struck by acne, get a skin analysis done and invest in products meant specifically for your skin type. Using your body soap on your face just isn't going to cut it!

Trim that hair!

We wouldn't recommend a drastic new style right before the wedding. A trim five days before the big event is usually the safe way to go, to ensure no mishaps or weird looks on the day itself. If you really want to sport a different style, go in for a make-over hairstyle a month before, and in case you love the look get a trim from the same stylist a week before your wedding day.

Groom that beard

Whether you prefer a clean shave or a stubble or a full grown beard, make sure it's properly done. A sudden clean shave after a long-term beard can leave a patchy face with sun tan spots. If it's a stubble you want to sport, try things out in advance, experiment as to how many days' stubble looks best on you, and shave and trim accordingly. And if you're the 'stache and beard' kinda guy, make sure you use good grooming products (yes you get special products just to maintain your manly beard!), because nobody likes a shabby-bearded groom!

Indulge in a day at the salon

Who said long salon visits were meant only for brides? Check for special pre-wedding groom packages, else make your own!

Choose a facial to suit your skin type, and settle in for an hour of soft exfoliation and massage to get a glowing skin! In case you feel the need to indulge in any special masks, we suggest going with natural product brands, and even then ask the salon to do a patch test to ensure your skin doesn't react to the ingredients. Best do this 4-5 days before the wedding, as no one wants a red splotchy face in case things go wrong!

Put the Man in Mani!

Your wedding day is the one day when your hands and feet are in focus more than ever before. Zoomed-in engagement ring photographs and ceremonies involving washing of the feet or taking off footwear ensure that your untrimmed nails or dirty skin growth will suddenly be in the limelight. Get at least a basic manicure and pedicure involving a scrub, nail cleaning and trimming.

To wax or not to wax?

And that's the golden question for you to answer! Body hair is only natural, and should really not bother anyone. But in case you do suffer from excess body hair, and you know that your bride-to-be isn't necessarily fond of it, why not surprise her with a clean wax? A wax leaves the skin much smoother than a shave (imagine a stubble on your back!). While waxing does of course hurt temporarily, and isn't everyone's cup of tea, a good salon and an experienced professional can make the most intimate of waxes comfortable. At the end of the day, know what you want and see what you're comfortable with. But whether you wax or not, do keep a check on your nose and ear hair, because nobody finds that sexy!

Shine that smile!

This is definitely important if you're a smoker, or generally suffer from yellowing teeth. While over-the-counter whitening toothpastes are available, pay your dentist a visit for a regular teeth cleaning and whitening session to ensure a smile that light up your photographs and videos!

Therapeutic Massage

Weddings, as amazing as they are, are also a very stressful event. And nothing beats that stress better than a good full body massage before your wedding day. Relax, de-stress, and come out recharged and fresh for the big day!

Psstt.... Last but not the least, with all the celebrations that go on the days before, hangovers are not that uncommon, and often show up on your face, especially under your eyes. A quick 15-minute session with cucumber slices on your eyes, or refrigerated tea bags to cover your eye lids on your wedding day can do wonders!

These are the days of the cosmopolitan male, and the grooming opportunities are endless! Follow these tips, and be ensured that you'll be shining as brightly as your pretty bride on your big day!

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