17 Women Who Don't Care What You Think About Their 'Tiny' Wedding Rings

17 Women Who Don't Care What You Think About Their 'Tiny' Wedding Rings


Bigger isn't always better when it comes to engagement rings -- just ask Minnesota wife Rachel Pedersen.

Rachel Pedersen

This week, Pedersen's Facebook post in defense of her "small" engagement ring went viral. After the digital marketing specialist eloped in 2013, well-meaning friends and family have made rude comments about the size of her ring, asking her when she plans to "upgrade it" and suggesting she wear a different one to professional events "so people don't think [she's] not successful."

"Wait a minute. Since when did the size of someone's ring become an indication of success. For me, the ring is SO much more," Pedersen wrote on Facebook.

With more than 189,000 likes, 48,000 shares and 16,000 comments, the post has certainly struck a chord with many women around the world.

Rachel Pedersen

"The response blew me away," Pedersen told The Huffington Post earlier this week. "I was hoping to reach a few hundred people. Now the reach is nearly at 8 million. But the best part is seeing thousands of women adding their own rings as a comment. It's truly beautiful to see that I created a movement that brings truth in a world that is so obsessed with bigger and better."

On Wednesday, we asked HuffPost readers and Facebook users to tell us why they love their rings, no matter the size or price tag. Read their inspiring responses below:

**Some responses have been edited/condensed for clarity.

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