The Benefits of a Bloomingdale's Registry

The Benefits of a Bloomingdale's Registry


A Bloomingdale's registry is already pretty cool on its own. From popular products to terrific customer service, it offers everything you need to easily outfit your home. But there is a cherry on top! When you register with Bloomingdale's now, you can enter to win a $1000 gift card to help you complete your wedding registry! Here are just a few other benefits you can expect when you register:

A Personal Consultant

You might not know everything about china patterns and barware, but these wizards of registering do. Your personal wedding registry consultant will help you navigate the whole process.

All the Info

Thank you notes are often the last thing on your mind when you are registering for gifts. Bloomingdale's will provide you with a list of who purchased what so that you can write great thank you notes (even if you forgot to keep track).

Valuable Incentives

Few couples are fortunate enough to have their registry completely filled for them. If you have a few items left on your list, Bloomingdale's offers discounts and bonus incentives to help you complete your registry!

Register with Bloomingdale's now and enter to win $1000!

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