Groom's tunes: dudes need killer ceremony entrance music, too!

Groom's tunes: dudes need killer ceremony entrance music, too!


Dejah and Ronald's ceremony was video game music-themed so you can only imagine how geektasticly delicious their entrances were. The only catch was the flack they'd get whenever they'd mention the groom's entrance music. Groom's can have customized entrance music, too, ya'll!

Let's see what Dejah had to say about Ronald's instrumental Legend of Zelda entrance. It's dangerous to go alone. Take this:

What makes me shake my head is when people look confused when you mention the groom's ceremony entrance theme. Why am I the only one allowed to come out to some sweet tunes? My husband, Ronald, had an epic entrance to an orchestrated version of the main theme from Legend of Zelda and it was awesome.

We agreed that we should both have an entrance because, heck yeah, we're both getting married. Our ceremony entrance theme was classic video game scores, so he picked the main theme from Legend of Zelda as played by the London Philharmonic.

Our wedding was at an Elks Lodge, and it had some curtains on the doors leading outside. We thought it would be fun to come from the curtains. So the music built for about eight seconds before he burst through the curtains and placed his hands on his hips with his head held high, like he was proudly scanning Hyrule Field. Our guests loved it, he loved it, and it just gave me yet another reminder of why I was marrying him that day.

For reference, he emerged at 27 seconds:

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