Neiman Marcus Blog | #OOTD: Style Inspiration and Shop the Looks

Neiman Marcus Blog | #OOTD: Style Inspiration and Shop the Looks


We may scroll through our feeds to see memes and puppies, but what better place to find fresh outfit ideas than Instagram? #OOTD visually connects fashion lovers around the world, and we want to share our #OOTD-inspiring looks for every occasion. Here, CUSP Buyers Emily Chou and Jennifer Ogden fill us in on how they make their picks.

What was the inspiration for the #OOTD campaign?
As buyers, we are fortunate to see the best of the best in the contemporary market, and one of our favorite things is to curate looks from each of our collections. We want our CUSP girl to have a month of ways to wear the trends, so we've given each day a different perspective and mood.

We love the concept of buy now, wear now. Why do you think this is so important to our contemporary customer?
Our customers live in the moment of "now." This translates to each aspect of their lives-including shopping. We live in a time when virtually every want and need is literally a click away!

What was the thought process behind selecting each outfit?
Clothes are a powerful form of visual expression, reflecting who we are or want to become-and each outfit makes a personal statement. The looks we've selected give a unique insider's view into fashion.

This is a tricky time of year to put together your outfit for the day. We mixed items that represent the season's best trends for our CUSP girl. These should get her ready for whatever the day holds!

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