Enjoy a Date Night "In"

Enjoy a Date Night "In"


Sure, the two of you could go paint the town tonight, but doesn't staying in sound so much better? Often easier on the budget, date nights spent in your own home also allow you to communicate better (and more comfortably-yoga pants, anyone?). Here are a few date night ideas to inspire you to stay in tonight!

Movie Marathon

With all of our focus on binge-watching the next Netflix series, we often forget how many truly fabulous movies we've never seen. Find one that interests both of you, pop some popcorn, and grab a cozy blanket to snuggle under! A few recommendations: Big Night, Casablanca, North by Northwest, and The Sting.

Game Night

Break out your favorite card and board games and enjoy a casual dinner with some spirited competition. Splurge at your local deli for some indulgent snacks and finger foods to enjoy while thoroughly beating him at Monopoly.

Make an Amazing Meal

Are those wedding gifts already rolling in? There's nothing wrong with unpacking that crepe maker or Crock Pot to cook a great meal together. Prepare a tried-and-true favorite or experiment with something new!

Wine Tasting

While we don't think it is the most romantic idea to turn all date nights into wedding planning sessions, this one is an exception. Purchase a few bottles of wine that you are considering for your reception and pair them with foods similar to what you will be serving. See? Multitasking can be fun!

Finish a Project Together

Been collecting photos for a scrapbook? Need to decide on a honeymoon location? Want to build a new shelf for your living room? Turn date night into a playful work party and finish the projects that are half-completed. For all of your efforts, you definitely deserve a treat, so order an extra cheesy pizza and crack open a cold beer!

Photography | Sugar & Charm

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