20 Articles To Help You Plan Your Alternative Wedding

20 Articles To Help You Plan Your Alternative Wedding


My favourite kinds of articles to publish are the ones where I can give some really practice wedding planning advice. It was the kind of content I really craved when I was organising our own wedding because wedding magazines didn't ever seem to delve any deeper than "How to choose the right wedding dress for your shape" and "10 things he does that proves he really loves you" (give me strength!)

So I dug around the blog archives to gather he most popular advice posts from the last 12 months. Have a browse, read some things you might have missed, maybe even revisit some of the pieces you enjoyed the first time round. And if any of your friends got engaged over Christmas, you might want to pass these on too!

As a side note, if you ever have any questions or dilemmas surrounding wedding planning, please feel free to email me and I'll try my best to turn it into a blog or magazine article in future.

Wedding planning advice for the newly engaged: Did you get engaged over Christmas? Freaking out just a little bit? This step-by-step guide will help you get started.

I'm a bridesmaid and I've been asked to dye my hair and lose weight for the wedding: I was horrified to receive this email and my readers were just as perturbed to read it too! I think we can all safely agree that this bride in this instance is just a real arsehole.

The pre-wedding freak out: Stressing out about everything? Read this article and chill ya boots lady!

How to get the most awesome engagement photos: Those dreamy, Pinterest-worthy pre-wedding shoots don't just magically appear, but with a few simple preparations you too can get utterly some gorgeous pictures.

What's your love language?: Having a fabulous wedding is one thing, but having a fabulous marriage is way more important. The Love Language principles have really helped Gareth and my relationship, and I'd encourage every single one of you to read this post.

How to ask for a discount without offending your suppliers: Weddings are expensive and everybody loves a bargain, but how can you ask for a discount without mortally offending your vendors?

The Pinterest bride: Pinterest is awesome, but are you in danger of becoming just a littttttle bit obsessed?

Wedding traditions, what are they good for?: What is the point of all this garb? Are they all really necessary? (Spoiler: NO!)

Your wedding does not have to be the best day of your life: Unpopular opinion - your wedding is just ONE DAY. It's what comes next that's the most important thing.

Self esteem, body confidence and learning to love yourself: My babe Gala Darling schools us in the magic art of Radical Self Love for brides.

The six most common wedding concerns and how to quash them: Stop ya frettin'!

How to banish your inner bridezilla: Are you guilty of turning into a bit of a bridal monster?

My top ten most effective weight loss tips for brides: Believe me, they won't be what you're expecting!

How to make sure your guests enjoy your wedding: Worried about keeping your guests happy? Here's a few simple things you can do.

12 surprisingly easy ways to make your budget stretch further: Just because you have a small budget doesn't mean you can't have the most glorious wedding.

How to write your own vows: Because they'll be so much more personal than the traditional options.

How to remember deceased loved ones at your wedding: Gone but not forgotten. Here are some beautiful ways to honour people that can't be at your big day.

Do I need bridesmaids?: I mean, really, what's the point?

With this tattoo I thee wed: More and more couples are planning to get tattoos on their wedding day. Would you?

What if you're disappointed with your proposal?: You might have been dreaming about this moment since you were a little girl. But does it really matter if you feel a little let down by how you were asked?

Issue 6 of Rock n Roll Bride magazine hits the shelves on January 7th. If you would prefer to have a copy delivered directly to your door you can pre-order or subscribe now!

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