OPEN THREAD: Why are some wedding vendors disrespectful to potential clients online?

OPEN THREAD: Why are some wedding vendors disrespectful to potential clients online?


While Offbeat Bride's primary readership are folks planning their weddings, we also have thousands of readers who are our wedding industry colleagues - vendors like photographers, planners, dressmakers, and more. (So many more! Check the Offbeat Bride Vendor Guide for hundreds more...)

As a publication, we straddle the two groups. We serve couples planning their weddings, but we do business with the vendors who love working with those readers.

Or... vendors who mostly love working with our readers. I will say that over the years, I've been SHOCKED by how poorly some wedding vendors present themselves online. I'm talking about basic "don't be a jerk to potential clients" stuff here. On the Offbeat Bride Facebook page, there have been vendors who have mocked our readers' wedding themes ( octopus weddings are weeeird, you guys) and who've been very outspoken in insulting other vendors' work. On the blog, we've had vendors who've shamed readers for having low budgets or not prioritizing things the vendor felt were important.

It's always weird for me, because it seems like just small business common sense: "don't be a dick where potential clients can see you." It's happened frequently enough though that I've stopped being surprised by it, which is weird!

As someone in the middle, I don't have any answers here... but I'd love to hear from both couples and vendors: What have you seen from the other side that's been hurtful? How can Offbeat Bride support vendors and couples treating each other with more respect?

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