VOW: Taylor Square Photography | The Bridal Guru

VOW: Taylor Square Photography | The Bridal Guru


Taylor Square Photography has played a huge part with Premier Bride of Mississippi. Ann-Marie has been our go-to photographer for all the design inspirations, stylized shoots and other photography needed for articles focused in North Mississippi. Ann-Marie has been serving North Mississippi and the Oxford area as a professional photographer for seven years. Take a look at her work and you'll know why she's such a popular photographer for area brides.

In Ann-Marie's own words, our Vendor of the Week, VOW: Taylor Square Photography:

How did I get started:

I have always taken photos. For as long as I can remember I've had a camera. I was the kid at all the parties with the camera you ran from. Now people ask me all the time to pull out the "photo box" and reminisce. I worked for a few publications through high school and junior college, then went to Ole Miss and did what came naturally, majored in journalism. I always wanted to work for a magazine but after graduating from journalism school in 2003, the print journalism market was in a panic over the "print is dead" mantra. So, I did what I had experience in and got a job working for a law firm.

A dear friend of mine from Ole Miss that I turned on to photography had in the mean-time traveled about and had gone to photography school and worked for a few studios out of state. After keeping in touch for years and feeling like something in my life was missing, I encouraged her to come home and start a business. We opened Sweet Water Images in 2008 and things just took off from there. Sweet Water did well, but because it was based out of Memphis, I was spending every weekend away from my three children (all under the age of 6 at this point in time). I decided it was best to build a business to focus on my home area and spend more time with my family. I opened Taylor Square Photography Co. in 2012 and essentially had to start from zero. No one knew I had experience or even who I was, but I can honestly say, I have been blessed beyond measure and my business has grown over the three past years; it's unbelievable!

What do you like most about what you do?

Honestly, I think about this so much. I get to witness such an important step in two people's lives. It is magical. I love working with the couples, having a great time and I try to make it my goal for the day to be as stress-less as possible. There is nothing better than hearing the bride and groom say at the end of the night that I did a great job and made their day so much fun. That is what it's all about. The flip side to that coin is the creative outlet I get while editing. I love making their images as beautiful as I can remember they were at any given moment on that day. If I am not getting butterflies while I editing, I'm not doing my job correctly.

Tell Us About Your Company?

I feel like it's taken me a few years to figure out exactly what I want my company to do. I started out doing a little of everything, portraits, weddings, seniors, commercial, but now that my business has started to grow I want to be more center-focused and hone my skills into the wedding area. I really feel strongly that it's not just the images you are selling, but more of an experience and a brand. I also really love working with magazines doing editorial work because it is where I have always wanted to be. Journalism is in my blood and nothing makes me more excited than looking at a good magazine.

Tip for Brides?

Just one tip? Oh that's a hard one. I guess, know who you are hiring. Make sure you like them. Make sure you see a WHOLE wedding they shot. Make sure the style is consistent throughout the day. Make sure they have insurance and back up their images properly.

Finally, make sure you LIKE them. They will spend the whole day with you and if they get on your nerves during the consultation just think about the whole day with added wedding jitters on top of that. It could make for a disaster. Have fun. Enjoy the day. Remember the reason you are getting married in the first place. That was several tips...

Funny story?

They all revolve around drunken debauchery. Bridesmaids keep your skirts down when you dance, your Spanks are nude, not invisible.

Congratulations to Taylor Square Photography for being selected as this week's VOW, Vendor of the Week! If you would like Ann-Marie for your wedding, contact her at www.taylorsquarephotography.com or call her: 662-801-2133.

For more wedding photographers in your area, go to www.premierbridems.com/wedding-photographers

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