10 Ways to Make Life Lovely

10 Ways to Make Life Lovely


Welcome to the weekend! Well, almost!

We're introducing a new Friday post today: 10 ways to make life lovelier! Sounds dreamy, hey? That's because it totally is! Fortnightly, we're gonna be sharing some of our favourite ways to simply amp up this beautiful life: from lifestyle tweaks, to new reads, new music and alternative ways of thinking. We are ALL about the good life here at Festival Brides and we wanna share some of that loveliness with our fellow bride-to-be babes!

So, let's get into it shall we? Prepare to be showered with all kinds of loveliness!

She nailed an incredible set at Glasto this year, and she's just one hell of a honey that y'all need to get your ears around. A soulful voice that's like a warm hug on a Summer's evening, (but with an added dose of sass!), Lianne La Havas has just released her new album, Blood, and it's just all I've listened to this week. As the Guardian writes:

Blood finds La Havas considering her Jamaican and Greek roots - the Blood of the title, a song called Green and Gold - and tackling romance from a wide array of approaches, from classy soul-jazz shimmers to the sulky electronic rock of Never Get Enough. The feather-light touch of La Havas's voice can be deceptive; for all her apparent ease, there are sufficient quirks and depths to her writing, not least the scientific analogies on Wonderful (electricity) and Unstoppable (astrophysics).

So, whack on this sampler and enjoy for the rest of the post!

The first thing I did this morning was joke with my beau as we laid in bed (desperately tryna keep our eyes open, last night was a late one, let's be honest!) and then took my hounds for a 3 miler. I didn't check Facebook and I haven't even opened Instagram yet today (say whaaaaaat?!), but instead I've found myself feeling more awake, my eyes feel truly rested from my sleep and I find myself more focused as I write to you guys: I'm living my present, rather than being distracted by everyone else's Friday mornings.

Offline (at least for a set period of the day) is the new black, my friends!

It may receive some pretty heavy criticism from your average Joe, but a: who cares? and b: who wants to be average anyway?! Adult colouring books are a pretty major thing right now and for good reason too!

Yes indeed! There's a whole lot of science behind this form of mindfulness, check out this fab article by Bustle (man, their GIF choices crack me up!) detailing the prescribed use of colouring for a healthy mind, self expression and the tuning of your fine motor skills and vision.

Or, of course, if swooning while colouring is more you're thang...

And I couldn't resist mentioning this incredible addition to the colouring world, the Badass Feminist colouring book. Available for preorder, it's full of amazing, thought-provoking quotes and some seriously kick ass portraits!

UH. I don't know about you babes, but when it comes to making healthy breakfast choices in the summer time the struggle is so real for me.

I'm a big oat fan and in the winter I'm all set with a big warming bowl of porridge, but it just doesn't work out for me in the warmer weather.

Then I found this recipe, and holy smokes the world stopped spinning and stars exploded (yes, I was THAT excited, deal with it!). Make 'em up the night before, add cacao (chocolate for breakfast, come on!) and bang them in the fridge.

Instant, satisfying and cold - everything you need to make your summer mornings lovely!

Self love and self acceptance. Two major keys to finding the loveliness in life.

We adore Brigette of this article over on the Free People blog by Hummusbird, it's all about finding yourself, recognising your uniqueness and loving yourself for it. Here's a little taster for you:

As the earth continues to turn, I feel as though I become more and more myself. I tune in more and more to what inspires me; what makes me feel. I accept that these things are constantly evolving, and I feel more and more comfortable trusting my feelings... paying attention to them... exploring them... giving them the credit they so deserve.

...Get yourself over there, have a read, and find a way to love what makes you you!

These days we all wear so many highly processed, manufactured fabrics: poly cottons, acrylic, nylon... I'd bet good money that the majority of most people's wardrobes are full of it (I include my own in that bet too!).

With the shifting mindset towards more natural, 'clean' foods, why not consider introducing some pieces into your wardrobe that adhere to that ideology too? I recently bought a couple of little summer dresses, they're 100% cotton and they're simple... And honestly? I haven't taken them off.

There's just something so freeing and natural about choosing fabrics that don't cling tight to the skin, but allow it to breathe, they don't feel unnaturally soft, just soft enough, you know? Give it a try, and buy organic too if you can, I guarantee you'll feel different wearing them.

We love this dead ringer for the above the dress, an organic cotton piece by People Tree ...

And, of course, y'all know we LOVE a bit of bohemian Free People sass, and their rails are awash with beautiful cotton and linen dresses! Here's just a few of our faves:

Ahh Lucy, Lucy Lucy!

One of my favourite modern day writers, Lucy Clarke is an epic travelling, writing mama-bee who's all kinds of rad, and her books? Oh man!

They're an amazing holiday read, or an beautiful escape to shores afar if you're staying home for the summer, and not least her recently released third novel, The Blue. Here's a little blurb for y'all:

They had found paradise. What would they do to keep it?
With a quick spin of the globe, Kitty and Lana escape their grey reality and journey to the Philippines. There they discover The Blue - a beautiful yacht, with a wandering crew.
They spend day after languorous day exploring the pristine white beaches and swimming beneath the stars, and Lana drifts further away from the long-buried secrets of home. But the tide turns when death creeps quietly on deck.
A dangerous swell of mistrust and lies threatens to bring the crew's adventures to an end - but some won't let paradise go...whatever the price.

Dubbed a 'gripping, unpredictable page-turner' by Now magazine, Cosmo claim you 'won't be able to put it down', which if her previous two books are anything to go by, I've found to be very true (we're talking all nighters here because I just couldn't stop!).

Grab yourself a copy and take some screen-free time out!

With the unfortunate ever-increasing emphasis of this world on superficiality, it's great to remind ourselves of the always prevailing beauty of life itself and of ourselves. Only you can do this for yourself, be proactive and tell yourself something good and true every time you look in the mirror.

Why not grab yourself a chalk pen and scrawl whatever it is you need to hear in the corner of the glass (which also happens to be the coolest way to decorate your mirror right now, ha!) and affirm that goodness on the regs!

Summer time got you reaching for the Magnums? Yeah, me too sister, me too!

Try this super lovely, super healthy Nicecream alternative! Getting you some boosting berry and cleansing lemon goodness, this froyo is super simple and so dang tasty!

Whelp. This one is so simple you guys, but it brings all kinds of loveliness to your practice: take your mat outside.

It doesn't have to be gloriously sunny, in fact, sometimes it's more comfortable if it isn't, but just make that shift, the fresh air adds a whole other dynamic and level of refreshment to your routine.

Do y'all have something you think we should try?

A favourite recipe? A ritual you wouldn't be without? Or maybe you've recently discovered a new brand you're crazy about?

Leave us a comment or drop us an email, we wanna hear your lovely ideas! Sharing is caring, babes!

Peace + Love

Clare X

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