Two brides, one ultimate Pi Day wedding | @offbeatbride

Two brides, one ultimate Pi Day wedding | @offbeatbride


Courtney and Diana had the ultimate Pi Day wedding: 3/14/15. The couple had originally planned to celebrate with a commitment ceremony, but Florida legalized same-sex marriage barely two months beforehand - and these ladies switched up the plan to get legalled!

Obviously, Courtney and Diana still stuck with their Pi Day theme. From nail decals to bridesmaid necklaces to mini pies instead of cakes, just try to see how many different pi references you can come up with in the photos! In fact, I was not aware of the existence of "The Pi Song," but it is indeed a thing. The wedding party walked in to the ceremony to the tune - it's lovely, you should have a listen.

There are lots of cute lil details you're gonna want to check out here, but I want you to keep your eyes open for two things in particular: one, the brilliant spin on the So You're Going to Sit through a Wedding program; and two, a personal congratulations from Bob Buckhorn, Tampa's mayor, and Jane Castor, Florida's first out gay Chief of Police.


Hair stylist: Mickie Nepinsky, Tribecca Salon * Make Up: Gabriela Frantz * Photographer: Sharma Shari Photography * Venue: 1930 Grande Room * Video: Studios 76

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