Practical Wedding Favors

Practical Wedding Favors


For as much as your wedding favors are costing you, the last thing you want to see is them left behind at the end of the night or in the garbage back at the hotel. Practical wedding favors are not only a better use of your dollar, but they will also be something that your guests will truly use. So, what guarantees that your favors will be a hit?

Consider season.

If you are having a small summer event, why not DIY up some simple sunglasses pouches (above)? Especially for out-of-town guests, they will love having this extra bit of protection when they have to pack their carry-on for the flight home.

Likewise, for winter weddings, make sure to give your guests some cold weather comforts in the form of nourishing lip balm (above-just pick a light scent so that both male and female guests will enjoy) or soothing bath salts (below). You could also pass out hand lotion or wool socks. Your guests will thank you when they can get all warm and snuggly in their hotel rooms after your chilly ski lodge event!

Know your demographic.

Got a lot of kids attending your shindig? You need to keep them occupied anyway, so why not treat them to some snazzy (but practical) wedding favors especially for them? DIY a few notebooks and affix matching colored pencils (above, left) or wrap together some crayons and a clipboard (above, right). It will keep them amused so that their parents can continue to boogie woogie oogie on the dance floor.

Some areas share definite local interests. Portland, for example, is microbrew-crazy. If your in-town friends and family share your love of a good stout, why not design your own favors? These beer bottle cap magnets would be something right at home on every Northwest refrigerator.

Cater to the travelers.

You only to need to stand at the baggage carousel for five minutes to realize that everyone's luggage looks exactly the same. Save your guests the hassle of picking up the wrong bag by gifting them a unique luggage tag. This practical wedding favor will be much appreciated on the late flight home.

And let's face it, the people who traveled the farthest deserve a little love. For those out-of-towners (or if you are hosting a destination wedding) give away a hangover and brunch kit (below) and leave them in their hotel rooms. Outfitted with plenty of hydration and a soul-reviving scone, they will be good to go.

Something to grow.

Especially if your bridal shower or wedding is garden themed, a little potted plant is the perfect lasting wedding favor. Make sure to plant something like an herb or succulent so that even the most green-thumb challenged have a fighting chance! Or set up a plant-your-own station (above, left) for a little hands-on gardening fun!

Credits: For the Makers | Plain J | Fig and Yarrow | Frolic | Studio 11 Weddings | Red Trolley Studio | Katie Nesbitt Photography | Kytography | Faithfully Focused Photography | Watson Studios

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