Insider tips from Zola to make your wedding registry just right for you

Insider tips from Zola to make your wedding registry just right for you


As you've probably already learned from your likely experiences trying to register at your local big box store, it can be daunting and restricting to say the least. And that's not even taking into account the gifting limitations for your guests. We've gathered some tips from our sponsor Zola to make sure your registry is as flexible, usable, and customizable as we know it can be. Otherwise it can just be a world of brain hurt. Let's get to the tips!

Make your registry represent YOU

Customize your registry to your personal style with notes, collections, pictures, and a custom URL. Take a peek at Zola's tools for a great example of customization.

Register for what you actually want

  • Find a registry that allows you to register from lots of stores and websites so that you can pick and choose things you'll actually use (or experiences you want!). Mix and match your choices with traditional gifts and homewares, experiences like a couples cooking class or outdoor hike, and even pricier items you've had your eye on like a couch, television, or a big set of offbeat china. Mark it for Group Gifting and multiple friends can contribute to it.
  • Offer a honeymoon and cash funds option to help offset the cost of those big purchases that need cash.
  • Our sponsor Zola has a super useful "Add to Zola" Button, so you can easily add anything from anywhere online, including handmade and local items.

Get inspiration and help when you need it

  • Some registries have tools that help you out when you're stuck. The Zola Buying Guide breaks down what you might need from each category to get your gears turning.
  • Starter Collections will kick start your brain, too. You can browse curated collections based on the basics, and your style and interests.
  • Zola's Registry Concierge allows you AND your guests to get help with the registry and will even import your other registries!

Now we're talking: let technology do the heavy-lifting

Zola offers some neato technology powerhouses to take on the burden for you:

  • iPhone App: Register for anything with on-the-go with features like a barcode scanner, mobile alerts, and Registry Planner.
  • Gift Tracker: Track each gift and who gave it to you (a lifesaver for thank-yous!).
  • Virtual Exchange: Swap your gifts for ones you want before you send them.
  • Send It Later: Decide exactly when you want your gifts shipped.

Ooh, here's a deal from Zola for readers of Offbeat Bride! They are offering $25 to spend when you set up their registry with them.

New registries must be started (but not necessarily published) between 3/24/15 and 6/24/15. Credits will be placed into the couple's Zola account four weeks after a couple's registry is published live. Click here to take advantage of the offer!

We heart Zola because it's super effortless, beautiful, and easy to use, and they know exactly what we like.

Take a peek at their offerings and see if you agree.

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